Friday, January 3, 2014

Student Loan Newsletter

Student Loan Relief


Eric Seidel on:
Student Loan Relief

Eric Can Help
     You can see me on many channels, the internet, and even Bay Area courtrooms, but my mission remains the same:
     To safeguard your finances, and protect your rights as a business owner and consumer. Adding the experience and knowledge of the lawyers of McIntyre, Panzarella, Thanasides makes this an exciting time for that mission. 

     From hard-working folks considering forming a business or wanting to improve their company’s structure, to those hurt by the negligence of others, or homeowners who feel they may unfairly lose their homes; sometimes we all need a little help. 
     So be sure to visit my website to submit a question or view videos on legal issues.  And you can always send me an email

Overwhelmed by Student Loan Debt?

      I’ve been getting a lot of calls from those of you both in and out of the workforce, who are struggling with student loan debt.   While a lot of the pressure could have been eliminated by making some important decisions beforehand (see my interview on NBC/NewsChannel 8), there are also some very legitimate reasons for not being able to pay back that student loan.
      In fact, under the Higher Education Act, you may actually discharge student loans in various situations:
  • The school closed while you were still enrolled
  • The school didn’t pay a refund it owed you
  • The school falsely certified your eligibility
  • The borrower’s permanent and total disability
     Some other options include a potential deferment – in other words, putting the loan on hold, generally for a year.   A forbearance is another option.  It’s easier to get than a deferment, but the interest still adds up and gets tacked on to the principal, meaning you’ll have more to pay back.  A third options is Income Based Repayment, where your monthly payment is capped at an amount you can afford.   A consultation with an attorney who practices in the area of student loans is always a good idea.  Any of those options would be better than defaulting and ending up as the defendant in a collection lawsuit.

Contact Eric Seidel Directly at:

(813) 230-4947

Copyright © 2013 Consumer Lawyer - Eric Seidel, All rights reserved.

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